Read on to find out more information about tech related questions and top tips to have smoot classes!


What are the technical requirements to teach at Twenix?

It is the responsibility of the teacher to ensure any hardware, including computers, headphones, cameras, and microphones, are of a high enough standard to carry out the class without disturbances. Teachers should consistently maintain a good internet connection. We recommend using an ethernet cable to ensure maximum connectivity and avoid technical issues which may result in a teacher not being paid for a class. Teachers are encouraged to have a backup device on which to give classes should their principal device fail. Twenix also recommends teachers have an emergency Wifi hotspot to use in case of an emergency.

How fast should my Internet connection be?

Teachers must access the platform using a Google Chrome browser. Using, your connection’s upload and download speeds should be above 4mb in order to make calls on the platform. In the event of technical issues, we may request you take a screenshot from at the time of the class, using the same device you are teaching with. We strongly encourage you to do the configuration test before every class to ensure there are no issues on your side.
Please bear in mind a VPN cannot be used to conduct classes.🚫


What should I do if I can't complete a class due to technical issues? Will I still get paid?

If your or your student’s connection or equipment fails during a class and it is impossible to complete the class, please bear in mind you must report it. You can see how to do so in this video. Either way, you will still receive pay for the class, although repeated technical issues which are the fault of the teacher may result in deactivation. Please read this article explaining what classes you'll be paid for.


What happens if I have technical problems regularly?

Frequent technical problems may result in deactivation. We encourage teachers to only open slots for times when you can be sure you will have access to a quiet environment with a strong internet connection. We also recommend testing your microphone, headphones, camera and computer regularly and performing all necessary technical updates when you are not teaching. Please also be sure to test your device and connection at least 30 minutes before classes begin, and carry out the configuration test before starting each class.

Also ensure you're not using other apps or have a high number of tabs open. They may cause interruptions.


Can I use my mobile phone or tablet to teach?

While some students may take classes on their mobile device or tablets, teachers must always teach on a desktop or laptop computer. This is to ensure classes are carried out in an appropriate environment while also allowing the teacher to access the materials on the platform in optimum fashion, in addition to the fact that the teachers’ side of the platform is not supported on mobile devices.


Why is the platform not loading / showing the error 504?

If the platform is not loading, we suggest checking your Internet connection, clearing your cookies, restarting your browser, and restarting your computer if necessary.

If the platform does go down, you will not be penalised for any missed classes, however if the fault lies with your connection, it may result in deactivation so please make sure to maintain the strongest connection possible and sign on well before your first class of the day is due to start.



  • If your students usually comment that they can hear background noise, we recommend using a noise cancelling software like Krisp.
  • If  you are aware of technical issues on your side before the class starts you can always attempt to transfer the class to another teacher.
  • DO NOT evaluate classes that have not been taught due to technical issues, report them instead. Evaluating them when they weren't done might result in a warning.
  • Double-check your device's time settings automatically adapt to the time zone you're in and to daylight saving time.