Twenix notifications preferences

There are various occasions for which you'll receive emails from us. Please read on to learn the emails you'll be receiving and how to opt-out!

We believe communication with our teachers is fundamental, hence you will receive automatic emails from our platform. You cannot rely solely on them and should always use the platform as reference, but these will let you know:

  • When you've been booked for a class
  • If a class has been cancelled both more or less than 2 hours before its start time
  • Absences
  • Successful class transfers
  • When your invoice is available
  • Classes that are available in our transfer system
  • 30-minute class reminders

You may only opt-out of some of these emails. To do so, please access the tab in your profile named "Notifications" and deselect the ones you no longer wish to receive.


We would also advice to create a folder in your inbox only for Twenix notifications - this way you won't miss out on any!

If you experience any issues with your notifications, please get in touch with us via the chatbot🤖 or email 📩