How will I be paid?

At Twenix we understand how important it is for our teachers to have a smooth payment process, so please read on to learn how we ensure it is so!

Payments are done on a monthly basis 📅 - you'll get paid for all the classes you've taught that month during our payment period.

The payment method we use is Wise. It is an online account that allows you to send money, receive payments and spend money internationally in your preferred currency. Here are some tips to help you get started. It is the ONLY payment method we use. 💰✨

What are the benefits of this system?

  • You get paid faster 🚀
  • A personal Wise account is all you need 📣
  • Payment will be received in your preferred currency 💱 Those available at the moment are: ARS, AUD, BGN, CRC, CZK, EUR, GBP, IDR, MXN, PHP, PLN, RON, THB, TRY, USD and ZAR.
    Note: if your currency isn't listed, you'll need to request your payment in EUR or USD.
  • You know exactly when you'll get paid ⏰

If you have any further questions regarding Wise, please get in touch with them!